september 8TH | 8:00AM + 10:00AM + 12:00PM CST
8:30AM + 10:30 AM at 323 airport road
2200 Hamilton Road
ACC exists to normalize radical discipleship to Jesus in the American Church.
We believe that the local church is essential for forming college students into the image of Jesus. Our approach to spiritual formation takes place within the  context of our multi-generational church, where students engage in home-based community groups, gather as a local body on Sundays, and serve the church and community alongside others. We want students to cultivate a love for Jesus that lasts not just over the next four years, but for the next forty and beyond.

We believe that the local church is God’s plan for belonging, growth, and purpose. Join us on Sundays for weekly gatherings!

Community Groups

We believe life-change happens in community. We believe that the price of community is the sacrifice of commitment. An ACC community group meets weekly and is driven by relationships/life-stage and is focused on weekly ACC teaching.

Join a College Community group at our Group Launch on Thursday, September 12th at 6:30PM 2200 Hamilton Rd.

College Nights

These are our monthly gatherings created to equip college students to live the life that Jesus died and rose for them to live.

Fall Schedule: September 19, October 17, November 19

Formation Courses
These are seasonal courses that dive specifically into a certain topic or idea, with the idea of forming you deeper into the image of Christ.
College Retreat
Every spring, our students gather together to spend a weekend diving deeper into community and the Word.
Leadership Development Program
Our Leadership Development Program (LDP) is available to college juniors and seniors who are actively involved in our local body. Inspired by Colossians 3:12-17, our heart is to develop leaders into this picture of what scripture says. The LDP year runs from August to May. We open applications early January for the next year’s class! Each LDP is put onto one of our teams within the church to spend intentional time focusing and growing that part of the body. LDP exists to deepen spiritual formation and foster community by serving the local body. This program prioritizes personal communion with the Lord above all else. Our focus is on empowering LDP participants through discipleship, service, and comprehensive teaching.
Upcoming Events
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College Community Group Launch
If you're a college student looking to join a community group, this night is for YOU! Join us on September 12th to get connected with your group and meet your facilitators!
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Freshman Community Mornings
If you are a college freshman, join us on Wednesday mornings starting on August 21st for Community Mornings!
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Freshman Night
The first year of college brings many transitions and unknowns, and we want to create a space of community from day one! If you're an incoming college freshman, join us on August 19th for a time of fellowship and worship — We can't wait to meet you!
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