september 8TH | 8:00AM + 10:00AM + 12:00PM CST
8:30AM + 10:30 AM at 323 airport road
2200 Hamilton Road
Serve With Us
No matter your gifts or talents, there is a place for you!
Why We Serve
Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.
1 Peter 4:8-11
What We Believe About Serving
Taken from our ACC IS... series back in January of 2023, our Lead Pastor, Miles Fidell, goes through one of our church's core convictions in Tender-Hearted Compassion.
Serve throughout the Week
Serving the local body and community comes in many forms throughout the week. (Romans 12:4-8; 1 Peter 4:10-11). If you are looking for practical ways to serve this local body of believers in ways the Lord has gifted you either naturally or in an acquired way, here are some great options!

YTH is our way of reaching our 6-12th graders that attend ACC. If you are interesting in leading a YTH community group, or serving at their monthly gatherings called “WAKE”, we would love to hear from you!

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Host A College Group

One important way of serving our college students as well is opening up your home for their weekly groups to meet in. This is not a weekly commitment, but there is an once-a-month ask.

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Alongside provides support and resources for foster and adoptive families, helping them navigate the unique challenges they face. We also strive to inspire and equip more members of our church to open their hearts and homes to foster or adopt.

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Care Teams

Care Teams are an essential ministry in our church, designed to meet the practical needs within our own congregation. Many in our church family face challenges that require the support and care of their community, and our Care Teams are there to stand in the gap for them.

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Serve in the community
We believe that service doesn’t only exist in side of our church walls. Our church partners with a handful of local ministries that are plugged in and serving local needs. If you are wondering where your personal burdens and skillsets overlap with one or multiple of these ministries, please use the tools below.
Looking for ways to get involved?
Use the filtering options below to find serve opportunities that connect with your passions, gifts, and abilities.
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Adult Ministry
Baking/Cooking Response Team
Camille Place
Victims of Sexual Exploitation
College Ministry
Connect Team
Esperanza House
Hispanic Community
Fostering Family Care Team
Foster Kids
Home Team
Kids Team
Mercy Medical
Sick and Suffering
Parking Team
Seating Team
Single Mom Care Team
Single Parents
The Way 2 Serve
Womens Hope
Abortion Prevention
Unplanned Pregnancy
Wonder Care Team
Special Needs
Wonder Team
Special Needs
Victims of Sexual Exploitation
Yard Work/Handy Work Response Team
Yard Work
Youth Ministry
What's next?

Once you've filled out an interest form for the team you're interested in, that leader will be in touch with you for your next steps! If you don't hear from someone in a weeks time, please reach out to us by email at:

How often can I serve?

As often as you'd like! We really do want you to prioritize a healthy balance of serving one service and sitting one service. As long as you're able to be present and hear from the Word of God, it is your responsibility to tell us when you can and cannot serve. Minimum we ask that you serve once a month.

Can I serve and attend?

Absolutely! Given that we have multiple services, you should always be able to attend a gathering and serve at a gathering. Some teams allow for the opportunity to serve and attend the same gathering.

What team should I serve on?

We will be up front with where the church needs the most help, but we want you to ask God where he wants you to use your time, talents, or gifts and let that be your driving factor.