gathering Times: Auburn 8:00AM + 10:00AM + 12:00PM CST
8:30AM + 10:30AM at 323 airport road
Empowered By Grace
Miles Fidell
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Read: 2 Peter 1:1-11

  1. What stood out to you in this week’s sermon?
  2. DISCUSS: “Our knowledge of what God has done in Jesus delivers us from corruption caused by evil desires into a divine nature we can participate in right now.”
  3. What practical steps can you take to reattach your mind to the truth of Scripture?
  4. DISCUSS: “You can’t! You won’t!! You’re not!”
  5. Which of these three lies do you find yourself believing?
  6. DISCUSS: “The Source: Divine Power, The Means: Knowledge of God”
    1. What does this mean?
  7. How can you increase in the knowledge of Christ this week?

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