Gage Henry
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SCRIPTURE: Jeremiah 23:16-29; Romans 7:21-23

FOLLOW-UP FROM LAST WEEK: How did the reading plan go? What did you find challenging, and what was encouraging?

Q1 – When you hear “repentance”, what comes to mind?

Q2 — In Jeremiah 23:29, God’s Word is described as a hammer that breaks through the rock. How have you experienced the Spirit’s conviction breaking through hard places in your heart to make space for new dreams?

Q3 – How do you discern between a personal delusion and a Godly dream?

Q4 – How does recognizing God’s omnipresence, omniscience, and omnipotence in every aspect of your life—especially in the mundane—reshape your dreams and desires?

Q5 – Can you identify areas in your life where something that began as wisdom has shifted into something else, like greed or self-reliance? How can repentance realign these areas with God’s purpose?

Q6 – What areas of your life are you tempted to turn “stones into bread”—to take shortcuts or settle for comfort instead of pursuing the fullness of God’s calling?

Q7 – Do you stand before God when “dreaming again”?

CHALLENGE: Dream Again - Each day this week, set aside 10 minutes of quiet time with God. Start by reading Jeremiah 23:29 and reflecting on its imagery of God's Word as fire and a hammer. Reflect on the question: “Do I stand before God when ‘dreaming again’?” Ask God to reveal any areas of your life where He wants to ignite new dreams or break through barriers